The Two Biggest Mistakes
People Make in Court
I just want to get it over with. By admitting guilt early, there’s little incentive for the prosecutor to be fair. You lose negotiating power and waive important rights that protect you from the System. Unless you get a great offer–which most people can’t tell anyway–there is usually no compelling reason to resolve your case early. I believe getting the right result is better than getting a fast one.
I’ll just tell the judge what happened. At your first court date, the judge will NOT let you explain your case. The judge is required to hear both sides. There won’t be time for that. Moreover, everything you say can be used against you. This is the surest way to torpedo your case. The purpose of the first court date is to show up with your lawyer, enter a not guilty plea and schedule additional dates, and that is all. Eventually you will be able to have your say, but arraignment is the day to remain silent.
Your defense begins with a free, confidential telephone consultation so I can learn what happened, and give you some ideas on how best to proceed. We can also talk about worst case scenarios and possible defenses.
Let’s talk. 503-241-4105.

“Ken — You can only be described as a pillar of the community. You have saved lives, saved families, and kept us all on the straight track. Thank you sincerely for your wisdom.”